Contractor Information

Thanks for taking the time to fill out this form, please supply as much information as you are happy to. this will allow us to assign you to the best jobs to suit your goals and skill sets. It will also allow us to see who is keen for extra training etc to do other stuff within our business.

This is not a guarantee of work, and by answering a question in any way will not deprive you of work. If you are keen to learn have an eye for detail and have a great attitude you are what we are looking for. We can train you on the rest. We currently do not have any Full or Part time positions, just contractor positions avaliable 

We are currently have goals around growth and development of our brand and we are looking for contractors to partner with to help make this happen
By submitting this form we assume you have read or will read our Contractor Terms and Conditions

Contractor Application


The Basics



If we need to send you a Synergy Shirt


Your Experience

On a Scale of 1 to 5 how competent do you feel in the following areas (Where 1 is not competent and 5 is an expert)
I can pick up a camera and understand enough to use it in manual mode to get a good shot
I know what AUX/ pre-fade and XLR mean and can adjust levels
I can change resolutions and know how to configure displays
I know how to connect up a PC and Know the difference between USB-C and Thunderbolt

Your Work Preferences

Please tick all elements that you would like to do within Synergy Video

The Other Bits